Monday, 4 July 2011

Home made kiddy activities

There is loads you can do to entertain your children, and now its summer and the weather is picking up, you can get outside and do all sorts of fun and stimulating games. It not only gets your child active but also gets the whole family and friends involved.

So when bordem strikes, be prepared and get creative!!

These are some of my tried and tested games and activities that I have played with my children.

1. Making vegetable people - get a selection of fruit and veg and some cocktail sticks and help your kids to make funny creatures, aliens, robots or fairies

2. Make a robot. Keep a stash in the shed of all useable washed out yoghurt pots, washed out plastic milk bottles, coloured tin foil wrappers, food boxes and anything else your child could use to create a wonderful creation. Let them go wild with their imagination and stick/cellotape together all their bits and bobs to make anything they desire!

Tommy, his homemade robot called .... Robot!

3. Create a face mask. Again using old useable and breathable packaging stick and glue and get artistic

4. Home-made sailing boats. Create a boat fir for the river and let your children race them down the river or in a pond (PLEASE MAKE SURE CHILDREN ARE ASSISTED BY A CAPABLE ADULT NEAR WATER!) Tommy, George and I made a wonderful (or so they thought) boat made from plastic take-away boxes and some imagination. The boys both chose a  minature toy man to set sail in their boat, and the excitment they showed in anticipating wether their boat would sail was fantastic!!

Yes really the duck was interested!!

5.  Water balloon catch. (Or if you dont have a balloon to hand use a plastic food bag tied tight). So this game didnt last long before one of my children was howling due to getting soaked, but give it a go anyway, im pretty sure kids love this game in the hot weather!

Simply fill a balloon (or food bag) with water and then use it as a ball and play catch around a circle. You can have as many or as little people playing as you like and you can add in more balloons for extra added suprise!

6. Bucket balancing act. All children can have a go at this no matter their age, just make sure you adjust the bucket size according to the child. At the start line, place a half filled bucket of water on the childs head, when you say go, the children have to see how far they can get before the bucket falls off their head and the water soaks them! The furthest to the finish line is the winner.

7. Waterfalls. Poke holes in empty useable containers all of different sizes and with different hole sizes if possible, let the children choose one each and then guess which will empty first when filled with water.

8. Toddler water splash. Lay a bin liner or useable plastic sheet on the lawn and throw on it a couple of cup fulls of water. Your toddler will have endless fun slipping, splashing and sliding about.

9. Fill the bucket race. You can have 2 players or more for this game. Place empty buckets at one end of the lawn (one per child) and then one big bucket of water at the other end of the lawn. Each child is given a plastic cup and when you say go the children have to run, fill up their cup with water, then run back to their empty bucket and start filling it up. It is the child who fills the bucket first who will win.

There is so much to do that isnt going to cost a fortune so get out there and have a go!!

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